American artist Michael Grab spends long hours in the woods, meditating, finding stones in different shapes and sizes and creating outstanding sculptures by stacking them together.
“Gravity is the only ‘glue’ that holds these structures in balance.
The process boils down to contemplative stone arrangement; involving patience, adaptation, slow-breathing, steady hands, and a plethora of other practiced skills…
I began balancing rocks through somewhat of a whim in the Summer of 2008 while exploring Boulder Creek in Boulder, CO, USA. Since then, simple curiosity has evolved into an international prolific creative passion, and daily meditative practice, which allows me to feel my surroundings in ways I never thought possible. I quickly noticed the unique effect that my creations had on myself and others, often inspiring a sense of magic and peace; a sense that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.”
More art on the grid | Michael Grab