Beat Empty Nest Syndrome with These 5 Strategies

Beat Empty Nest Syndrome

After steering your children through their earlier years, education, and many ups and downs of life, there will come a time when they embark on their own adventure and leave home. Even though it’s a proud moment for any parent, it can often leave behind feelings of grief and loneliness – a phenomenon that’s called empty nest syndrome. During these challenging times, there are strategies you can explore to overcome the feelings.

Connect with Other Empty Nesters

You are not the first and you won’t be the last to suffer the burden of becoming an empty nester. As children often leave home in their early to mid-20s, there will be plenty of other parents from your children’s school year going through the same motions. To make the journey feel less isolated, get in touch with some of your fellow parents or have a look at online forums for empty nesters.

Let Your Children Have Space

When your children are ready to go it alone, you might feel an overwhelming urge to smother them with affection and support. Even though you feel this is endearing, it’ll most likely drive a wedge between you and your children. Therefore, you should respect their independence and ease up on the contact – they’ll come to you for love and support in no time.

Give Yourself a Break

Taking care of children often means there’s next to no time to put yourself first, so make the most out of your newly-empty home and give yourself a well-deserved break. Let go of every responsibility and let your mind and body truly unwind. If that means getting out of the house to do so, then consider booking a spa weekend with the girls.

Quality Time with Your Significant Other

While you’re busy giving yourself a break, invite your other half in on the action. After all, there’s a good chance you’ve not had the opportunity to truly connect over the last few years. By having time off together, you’ve got the perfect opportunity to break away from any sort of complacency you’ve fallen into. If you’ve both noticed your relationship has suffered over the year, have an honest discussion to work out what needs addressing.

Explore Becoming a Foster Carer

Once you’ve taken some time out for yourself and your partner, you may still be feeling as though your home is too empty. If this sounds familiar, why not put your parenting skills to good use by becoming a foster carer? Many foster agencies like the are strongly appealing for new foster carers to open their loving homes to children in need. To cover the costs of taking care of an extra household member, you’ll receive a financial allowance – so don’t let affordability sway your decision.

Having an empty home for the first time in about two decades can be overwhelming, especially when feelings of loneliness and despair creep in. Although you’ll need to learn how to deal with these feelings, there’s no harm in sharing your love and skills by becoming a foster carer.