Guide To Buy a Drone for Photography

Guide To Buy A Drone For Photography

Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist, and you want to learn more about drones and drone photography, you will certainly want a brief guide to your first purchase. Apart from the fact that this technology does not have inexpensive tag prices, getting the right tools and equipment for your next venture is a must.

This guide will help you learn the most important things there is to know about drones, especially those that are mainly for photography. At the end of this piece, you will surely gain the confidence to look for the best drone for you.

Learn About The Different Types of Drones

There are generally four types of drones: RTF, BNF, PNP, and ARF. While they may appear too overwhelming, don’t let the jargons trick you. As it happens, these types are simply the main function of the drone.

  • RTF stands for “Ready To Fly,” and they are the easiest type among all. These drones offer overall convenience as they no longer need complex attachments. But, because of this, they are the most expensive ones as you will be paying for the effectiveness in a box of complete convenience.
  • BNFs are the “Bind and Fly” drones. They are not too expensive like the RTFs. But, this type requires more work. Moreover, the people who utilize them are advanced drone users. Drones under this category come without a transmitter. This is the very reason why this type is quite complicated for a beginner.
  • PNP types are the “Plug and Play” drones. Many also refer to them as the PNF or “Plug and Fly.” Similar to BNFs, these drones do not come with a transmitter or a receiver. This is why they are much cheaper in comparison to RTFs and BNFs.
  • ARF drones are the “Almost Ready to Fly” ones. It is worth noting, though, that the definition of almost, in this case, is far from what most people have in mind. The reason being is that these drones require immense knowledge and skill when it comes to drones. There will be tons of assembling processes, making the whole usage and management a lot trickier than the rest.

Key Features to Consider

Here are the things you must consider when choosing a drone in terms of the features:

  • Material Used

Drones are not inexpensive. This is why you need to choose the one that will last.

Plastic drones are the cheapest among all. While it is light and not too hefty, they are not always durable.

If you are looking for resiliency, then choose fiberglass and carbon fiber drones. Also, stay away from aluminum-based materials as they cannot stand up well to crashes, especially when using it for outdoor photography.

  • Range of Device

When buying a drone for photography purposes, you will want a drone that has a much longer range. As a rule, choose the one that can fly the farthest from the transmitter.

  • Flying Time

Drones cannot stay in the air for long. The typical flying time is around 20 to 30 minutes. But, there are cheap types that can only last for about five minutes.

So, you better have to check this feature, and you will want to purchase spare battery packs.

  • Camera

Since you will be using the drone for photography, you will need to consider this factor gravely. Some drones already come with a camera. But, others allow users to mount an external camera.

If you intend to buy a drone that has a built-in camera, you should consider, as well, the features and functions of it.

Essential Advanced Features

The above-mentioned features are the basic ones. Let’s move on to the more advanced functions that you must look after when buying a drone for photography.

  • GPS Navigation

Navigation is essential, especially if this is your first time. Having this feature will help your drone find its own way around.

  • GPS Home Function

Alongside navigation, a GPS home function feature is an important one for any drone user. This will allow your drone to automatically finds its way back to you.

  • Gimbal

Considering that you are using the drone for taking photos or recording clips, you will need the type that has a gimbal function. This feature holds the camera steady even amid the flight. Accordingly, you can easily take still photos and videos on air.

About Sensors

Drones have a wide range of different sensors. These are the features that play huge roles in the overall cost of the technology.

But, despite this, it is the sensors that make flying drones much easier for beginners. This is why you must understand, as well, the sensors that your chosen drone offers.

For first-time drone users, these sensor types are the most helpful for you:

  • GPS Receiver Interference
  • Compass Interference

Buy From the Right Place

When you are buying a drone, make sure that you are making a purchase at the right place. Most tech stores today offer several kinds and brands of drones. However, you must be mindful as not all retailers are created equal.

The best way to be sure is to order your drones directly from the brand’s official stores. But, if not, you can make a purchase via Amazon, which offers hundreds of drone brands and labels.

Follow Flying Guidelines

Last, but not the least, you have to be knowledgeable, as well, of all the regulations, laws, and guidelines of using and flying a drone in your area. Keep in mind that these regulations vary from one state or region to another. Hence, you must research first and understand each point from all the lists of requirements.

Bottom Line

While learning about drones, alongside their features, can be quite overwhelming for first-time buyers and users, experiencing them in person will make these things a lot more sense to you. It is worth noting that this is just a brief guide for you, to help you with your search for the best and most ideal drone.

Considering that it is not an inexpensive hobby and purchase, you must supply yourself with additional information and knowledge about drones. But, these points will certainly help you understand how it all works and which features you will need for your first buy.