Cosy Indoor Activities for Foster Families This Winter

Cosy Indoor Activities For Foster Families This Winter

In the summer, it’s easy to throw our shoes on and head out for days at the park. Our windows are open at home, washing is hanging outside, and we can eat in the garden. When the weather is good, life can seem easier. As parents and foster carers, many of us feel guilty in winter if we aren’t taking the kids out as much or we’re spending more of our time at home. But when the weather is terrible, staying warm can be the best way to avoid coughs and colds, keep warm, and enjoy ourselves. Foster children often feel safer and more at ease at home, too. So, instead of worrying about not getting out enough, try to embrace cosy days, enjoying quality time with some of these activities.

Share Your Favourite Winter Movies

Plenty of family favourite movies have Halloween, Christmas, and winter themes. A weekly movie evening where you prepare snacks together and take turns picking the film (perhaps within a theme) is a great way to spend a cosy evening, but it also gives you and the children in your care a chance to bond by talking about your favourite movies and the memories that you have of them.

Bake Treats

Baking is perhaps the ultimate rainy-day activity, but it’s also an opportunity to teach your children kitchen skills, food safety tips, and a time to talk and get to know each other without pressure. Things like chocolate cakes, brownies, cookies and cupcakes are ideal for even young children to help with.

Experiment with Hot Chocolates

Hot chocolate can be essential, but it can also be extravagant. Experiment with adding your favourite sweet treats and chocolate bars, add different flavours and toppings and even have a go at homemade hot chocolate bombs.

Get Crafty

Crafts are another fantastic cold-weather activity, and they give you a relaxed way to have fun as a family. Make festive decorations like paperchains, paint firework pictures and have a go at other winter-themed crafts.

Enjoy a Games Day

Board games, like movies, are a fantastic way to share your favourites and memories. You can pick up old games cheaply from charity shops to show the kids the game you used to love while embracing their favourite video games and letting them teach you how to play.

Make Pizzas

Homemade pizzas are great fun. Get the kids to help knead and roll the dough, and let them try different toppings, even if they’ve got some alternative ideas. This is also a fantastic way to get fussy eaters to try new things.

Invite Friends Round

If you are fostering in Scotland, there are plenty of opportunities to meet other foster carers and get involved in the fostering community through your agency. In the summer, there are often days out that you can join in with, which can be great for both carers and children. This doesn’t have to stop in winter. Invite other families to join you in some activities or plan to meet up for outdoor activities on dry days.

Winter can seem harder, but if you embrace cosy indoor activities, there’s no reason it can’t be a fun season that helps you bond and helps your foster children feel more at home.