Avoiding The Common Risks and Pitfalls Photographers Experience

Avoiding The Common Risks And Pitfalls Photographers Experience

Photography is an exciting and accessible art form that allows individuals to express themselves creatively and capture moments in time. If you make it your livelihood, it can be a fulfilling and exciting career, but not without its challenges. As you start your photography adventure, you’re likely to encounter several risks that can hinder your progress or negatively affect your experience. In this article, we’ll explore some of the issues that photographers often face and offer guidance on how to overcome them.

1. Protecting your equipment abroad

People often think that if they have photography insurance, they will be covered wherever they go. That’s not often the case! You need to look for a policy that offers world wide cover, otherwise your equipment will be at risk

2. Unattended equipment

Some policies articulate in the small print that your equipment is only covered if it is within your sight – which is not always possible or feasible. Be sure to look out for wording that includes full theft cover which means that your policy will cover you even when your equipment is left unattended, such as in the hold of an airplane. 

3. Photography kit left in your vehicle 

After some shoots, you just can’t face carting all your equipment into your home or hotel room, particularly if you’re due to be up and out with the lark! Some policies will not cover you for items left overnight in your vehicle – this is a very handy detail that you should be sure to confirm. 

4. Hiring equipment 

You depend on your equipment – no equipment, no work. If you damage your equipment, and it’s being repaired, what do you do? Some policies will cover the charge to hire equipment whilst your own equipment is being repaired – which means you can continue working and the costs are covered. 

5. Claims service that cares

When the time comes when you need to make a claim, you want to have the confidence that the team servicing your claim is fighting your corner, aiming to make it as painless as possible. Look out for a broker who has a track record for paying claims and supporting clients through the process. . 

In conclusion

Camera gear can be an expensive investment for amateurs and professionals alike, and accidents, theft, or damage can easily occur. Many people underestimate the importance of insuring their photography kit, which can sometimes lead to them being unable to replace it if something happens. Doing your research to ensure you have the right insurance for your photography equipment is the best thing you can do to avoid the common pitfalls and keep your photography dreams alive and your business thriving.