25 Macro Photography Shots That Make You Amazed

25 Macro Photography Shots That Make You Amazed

What is macro photography?

Macro photography is simply photographing small items, often insects and flowers, but also still life like jewelry and small household objects. Macro photography encourages the photographer to take a closer look. It enables the shooter to search harder for minute subject matter and to make the everyday objects appear extraordinary.

Macro photography is the art of taking close-up pictures that reveal details which can’t be seen with the naked eye. For example, while we can see the fly on the wall, our eyes aren’t equipped to make out the fine details of the hairs on it’s face. This is where macro photography comes in. It gives us a glimpse into the world of the very small, which goes largely unnoticed by us as we hurriedly shuffle through our day.

In this posting we present 25 beautiful examples of macro photography. A round-up of some truly revealing and inspiring macro photographs which are sure to have you marveling at the world around you.

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25 Beautiful Examples Of Macro Photography

Eye of a Tokay Gecko “A close-up shot of a Tokay Gecko. Their eyes remind me of old-fashioned keyholes. Thanks for looking!” The photo is taken by Alan M.

La force et la passion “She felt her strength and passion back by 1 small drop of water.”. The photo is taken by Leon Baas.

High-Tech Jumper “Jumping spider on a DVD reading my data! Shot with a Canon 20D with a Canon MP-E macro lens.” The photo is taken by Coder.

Bubble Magic “Close-up of a wet leaf … taken with a Canon Powershot A610 :)” The photo is taken by Sophie.

Lasius Vlavius “This yellow meadow ant is trying to find a way to dry ground after the rain”. The photo is taken by Leon Baas.

Flower Detail Close-up of a very colorful flower, shot by MeLissa Stolte.

Frog’s eye Photos are taken by Justin Dotson.

Dewdrop Refraction Taken by Brian Valentine.

Water lily The photo is taken by Chun-Chih Fan (ddsnet).

A flower The photo is taken by Indah Susanti.

Another vision The photo is taken by Kristina Buceatchi.

A Flower The photo is taken by Cyril Cattin.

Igor Siwanowicz


Under a microscope

Crane Fly This insect looks like something out of a Sci-fi movie.

A flower The photo is taken by Chan Chen.

Spider Stunning detail of a spider.

8.365 I saw the sea The photo is taken by Lux Tenebra.

Water & Rose Beautiful colors.

European hover fly in profile

Refracted Daisy You can see the refracted daisy in the blurred background.

White Spider

Flower in water Amazing picture of a flower sitting in water. The reflection almost looks surreal.

House fly Simply wonderful photo.

Red Veined Darter Truly stunning macro of this insect covered in morning dew. Wow!.


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