Shawn Danker, a Singapore-based photojournalist, has edited the project “Shall We Dance” for which he dances dancers outside the walls of their studios and stage boards. From Singapore to Melbourne via Tokyo, he travels the world to capture the beauty of these dancers in unusual urban environments. Indeed, for Shawn Danker, this project is as much about artists as about the places in which they dance.
“They are there to interact with the environment so that when we look at the photographs, we understand that the dancers are in these places for a reason,” says the photographer. “Shall We Dance” is a project in progress and the artist will continue to pose his poetic look on urban architecture and dance.
Fake Pole Dancing, avec Taylor Hunt
Magic, avec Sarah Noel Hargis 
Needle Pointe, avec Taylor Hunt 
Nioh, avec Philip 
Platform, avec Haruna Shimonishi 
Let it go, avec Sophie Merrison
Spider, avec Maria Adachi 
Spiral, avec Adelene Stanley 
Triforce, avec Claire Leske, Francesca Alice et Louella Hogan 
Wings, avec Jessica Gabrielli 
Balloon, avec Catherine Donato
Crayon, avec Stacie Leong et Tammy Ho
Higher Education, avec Catherine Donato
More info : Shawn Danker