Have you noticed how many photographers are fascinated with the natural world? Even if we specialise in another genre, few of us can resist a gorgeous flower, or a branch of autumn leaves.
One of the best things about photographing nature is that it is so accessible. You needn’t travel far to find it, because it’s all around you. You may take it for granted because you see it every day, but your own backyard is treasure trove. Every hour of every day and every season, bring something new.
Backyard needn’t be taken literally here. If you don’t have a backyard, you’ll find plenty of nature to photograph just by wandering the streets or public parks and gardens.
Note : All the photos in this article were shot using a smartphone with the addition of different lenses, look here to learn more. this technique making images look huge (macro photograph)
Macro Flora Photography
Flowers and leaves are often the first things that come to mind when we look for subjects in our own backyards. They offer an endless variety of colours, shapes and textures for you to photograph. You could create a collection based on a single colour scheme, or try to find as many different leaf or flower shapes as possible.
Photo by Burhan
Photo by Fariq bin Saleh
Photo by Herman Okin
Photo by Rizky Luntaya
Photo by Setyo Nugroho
Extreme Insect Macro Photography
Of course to find insects in Backyard is not difficult, you can find a variety of insects there. but the obstacle is how to get the extreme macro photos , and as we all know for extreme technique takes a close distance.
For this technique you need extra patience, as well as some simple techniques:
- Take a picture in the early morning or evening, it becomes easy because at that time the insect is not too aggressive.
- identify the types of insects and character, there are some insects that are quiet, so you can capture exactly anytime.
- use additional lens that is thicker, it lets you take a distance not too close, merge with the zoom
Photo by Dhani
Photo by Dianz
Photo by Rizky Akbar
Let’s hear from you!
So there you have it – plenty of inspiration to get outdoors and photograph nature in your own backyard. It’s time to stop reading and get out there with your camera. Please share your backyard nature photographs in the comments below