In a love relationship, memories of when you first got married was very beautiful, it can be seen in various parts of the world, some people celebrated the anniversary with a festive day. Having been married for several years, it was refreshing to see some still so in love as they were on their wedding day.
Enjoying the first year of marriage and celebrate the first anniversary of the photo shoot– something every couple should celebrate, big or small. We have put together some tips to help plan the perfect shot.
The first anniversary is a big one-it is a celebration of shared life and a new love. It’s also time to enjoy being just the two of you. Think of carefree fun theme like a picnic! Throw in a blanket, your favorite snack basket, some cheerful and voila- enjoy yourself and at the moment!
Talking about picnics, no re-shoot one year would be complete without a sweet reminder of your big day. Remember that the top layer of your beautiful wedding cake? Time to pull it out of the freezer and say “cheese.” If you do not freeze it, do not worry, you can always have your local bakery mimic a smaller version at a fraction of the cost, and most likely, it will taste much better!
You always want to see the best in any picture, but this celebration of joy catch you in a real way. Lately we see more and more brides wore wedding dress their back pretty to shoot their first year. You do not often get the chance to wear the dress twice, so we say, “go for it!”
Best photograph them when taken out, so grab your camera, beautiful props and plan for a day out to get you and your partner under the best lighting conditions. “Golden Hour” or time between 4-6 pm when the sun began to set the brand’s most magical light.
There are so many great ideas to apply on the day of your shoot, this is only our primary suggestion. Also see the Cute Photo Shoot Ideas for Couples for ideas more extraordinary!