Most Beautiful Places should you know in Indonesia

Most Beautiful Places should you know in Indonesia

What most people in the world knows about Indonesia, Many people don’t know about wonderful places in Indonesia even the Best in the world. They are a little know of Indonesia, usually Bali become as the most beautiful place, but Bali is one part of dozens of amazingly beautiful place. The tourists who come to Indonesia always towards Bali or Lombok as their holiday destination, whereas there is not only a beautiful place it is. You should also know that Indonesia is not a small country, Indonesia has thousands of islands scattered in the ocean.

Indonesia is an archipelago surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, has thousands of islands scattered in the ocean, active mountains, lush rain forests and Indonesia were underlined equator which makes Indonesia has two seasons. the rainy season and summer. therefore Indonesia has many beautiful tourist spots, such as mountains, grasslands, marine, forest and much more. in fact can be concluded that the miniature of the world, where we can enjoy the beauty natural of the world only in one country.

I will explain a little of my favorite places, the name is Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat be excellent new in the world of tourism in Indonesia. The charm of tourist spots in Indonesia is widely known by both domestic and foreign tourists. Raja Ampat itself is a collection of islands at the tip of Papua. There are four main islands here, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati and Batanta.

Natural wealth under the sea Raja Ampat not be doubted. Waters in the tourist spots is known as one of the best diving and snorkeling locations in the world. The Nature Conservancy even mention that about 75% of world marine life can be found in the waters of Raja Ampat. To prove it, please prepare your dive perlengakapan and start exploring the underwater nature. October and November is called as the best time to dive here because of the weather and water conditions are ideal. The following Most Beautiful Places that you can make the list for your holiday destination


1. Raja Ampat – Papua

Raja Ampat - Papua

2. Bunaken Marine Park –  Sulawesi

Bunaken Marine Park -  Sulawesi

3. Balekambang Beach – Malang

Balekambang Beach - Malang

4. Ora Beach – Maluku

Ora Beach - Maluku

5. Gili Trawangan – lombok

Gili Island

6. Gulf Kiluan – Lampung

Gulf Kiluan

7. Komodo National Park – Komodo Island

Komodo Island

8. Lut Tawar Lake – Aceh

Lut Tawar Lake - Aceh

9. Ijo Temple – Yogyakarta


Ijo Temple - Yogyakarta

10. Borobudur Temple – Magelang

Borobudur Temple

11. Bromo Desert – Probolinggo

Bromo Desert

12. Bromo Mountain – Probolinggo

Bromo Mountain

13. Chalk Hill Tinggi Raja – Sumatera

Chalk Hill Tinggi Raja

14. Gili Laba – Flores

Gili Laba - Flores

15. Ijen crater – Banyuwangi

Ijen crater

16. Jayawijaya Mountain – Papua

Jayawijaya Mountain - Papua

17. Kaolin Lake – Belitung

Kaolin Lake

18. Baluran National Park – Situbondo

Baluran National Park

19. Kapuas River – Borneo


20. Madakaripura WaterFall –  Probolinggo

Madakaripura WaterFall

21. Pine Forest – Imogiri

Pine Forest - Imogiri

22. Tea gardens Gucialit -Lumajang

Tea gardens Gucialit -Lumajang

23. Tetes Cave -Lumajang

Tetes Cave -Lumajang 

24. Lut Tawar Lake – Aceh

Lut Tawar Lake - Aceh 02

25. Semeru Vulcano – Lumajang


Semeru Vulcano - Lumajang

26. Prambanan Temple – Yogyakarta

Prambanan Temple - Yogyakarta

27. Pasar Terapung (Floating Market) – Banjarmasin

Pasar Terapung (Floating Market) - Banjarmasin

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