Creative Concept : Deconstruction of America by Mike Campau

Creative Concept : Deconstruction of America by Mike Campau

Mike is the creator of deconstruction of America, he makes this creative concept is his way of conveying his thoughts about the problems around him. using wooden logs with a shape resembling the White House, food, and other weapons. which is then burned. The terms of visual images are unique and conceptual art work, but if in the view of value, this represents a problem that should be removed.

Mike about his project:

I never talk politics on social media (or even with friends) as it usually leads to a heated discussion, hurt feelings, and a few “F” bombs. So, I decided to convey my thoughts through images. Whether you are liberal or conservative, we can all agree there are some major problems facing our country right now. Everything from government corruption, broken justice system, religion (or lack there of), poor diet and nutrition, the shock value “look at me” YouTube generation, and how we have all become desensitized and almost apathetic in our response to hate crimes and mass shootings. I’m not here to get on a soap box and say who is right or wrong, but to invoke a sense of urgency to make a change before it’s beyond repair.

All images by Mike Campau.

Creative Concept design by Mike Campau Creative Art Design by Mike Campau Unique Concept design by Mike Campau Unique Art design by Mike Campau Deconstruction-of-America Unique Design of Deconstruction of America by Mike CampauDeconstruction of America by Mike Campau


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