Best Macro Photography of Insects by Roni Hendrawan

Best Macro Photography of Insects by Roni Hendrawan

The world knows a lot of macro photography as wonderful things, because it shows the world that can not be seen with the naked eye. Camera lens technology is now able to capture the beauty of a small world with a more clear and larger size.

Macro photography will produce a recording (on film) is as large as the original object (1: 1), or at least half of the original object (1: 2), however, the types of zoom lenses that have a recording facility to produce a quarter of the original object (1: 4) also can be said to be a macro.

And today 99inspiration will share some Best macro photography of insects has taken by Roni Hendrawan. He is a macro photographer Indonesian bases, love in the world of photography he showed the results were outstanding. Here are some of the results.

Roni Hendrawan

Amazing macro photography of insect Best macro photograpy insects ever Best of insect macro photography wonderful macro photography of insect eyes wonderful macro photography of insect


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